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Mejja aka Okonkwo drops a new track titled 'Amnesia'

''Umeshikwa na Amnesia, aty unanitafuta, btw nko free, time yako ndo sina."

In the song, Mejja talks about fake friends, betrayal, and lessons learned. He portrays how he put trust in a friend then when trouble came the friend didn't show up. The colorful video features Content creator Austin Muigai who plays the character of the fake friend. 

Amnesia is a condition that results in memory loss and in this song, the metaphor shows how his buddies pretend not to remember how they dumped Mejja in times of trouble. Mejja shares a toast to all the people with true friends. 

The audio was produced by Mavo on the Beat and the video was directed by Nezzoh Montana.

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